MishMash Walking Algorithm. In different spots of the city park we placed signs with questions. On the one hand, the questions seem personal, on the other hand, they are general questions from different appeals:

Is it important?
Are you afraid?
Are you confused?
Are you alone?
Do you know why?
Is it hard to choose?
Are you OK?
Have you forgotten?
Are you ready?
Is it windy?
Do you understand?
Is it calm now?
Do you agree?
Do you hate?
Are you wearing black?
Do you hear the crowd?
Are you being followed?
Do you?
Do you like it?
Do you consent?
Are you angry?
Do you condemn?

You can answer YES or NO to these questions. The second part of the sign is movable and can rotate in the wind. This is a pointer, that is, sometimes the answer "YES", for example, directs to the left, sometimes to the right.
Thus, a person, answering a question, can follow an unstable route. The system of these instructions depends both on the pedestrian and on the element - the wind.

At the exhibition "Conspiracy Theory" we built a cabinet-altar, in which we built a recursive documentation of our guerrilla invasion of the park, in the form of a landscape, and spy video. All this is covered with an ornate tulle curtain, as befits the homely comfort of a conspiracy theory.
Conspiracies, no matter how harmoniously they fit into systems, are held exclusively by the most important element - the faith.

MishMash Walking Algorithm обращен к людям, гуляющим по парку, по улицам и погружающимся в себя. Это сеть указателей, расставленных в ключевых точках парка и пересечениях дорог. Указатели  не указывают на конкретные цели, а только на направления. Указатели задают людям общие или личные вопросы:

Is it important?
Are you afraid?
Are  you confused?
Are you alone?
Do you know why?
Is it hard to choose?
Are you OK?
Have you forgot?
Are you ready?
Is it windy?
Do you understand?
Is it calm now?
Do you agree?
Do you hate?
Are you
wearing black?
Do you hear the crowd?
Are you being followed?
Do you?
Do you like it?
Do you consent?
Are you angry?
Do you condemn?

ответы на эти вопросы - ДА или НЕТ обозначают направления стрелок.. При этом эти стрелки не стабильны, а вращаются от  ветра.
Таким образом человек, отвечая на вопросы, может следовать неустойчивому маршруту. Система этих указаний зависит как от пешехода, так и от ветра, стихии переменчивой как настроение.

На выставке "Теория заговора" мы построили шкаф-алтарь, в котором выстроили рекурсивную документацию нашего партизанского вторжения в парк, в виде ландшафта и шпионского видео. Все это покрыто витиеватой тюлевой завесой, как и положено домашнему уюту теории заговора.
Заговоры, в какие бы стройные системы не укладывались, держатся исключительно на самой главной стихии - ветре  вере.
City Park intevention and a documantation altar for Conspiracy Theory Exhibition at  XLProjects, Berlin

в городском парке
и документальный алтарь для выставки <Теория заговора>
в XLProjects, Берлин